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Sonic Fan Characters Wiki

Chimera is 1 of the 12 gods of Nimagi. He was the fourth one created by Zaruth but is the 4th strongest. His Job is to manage the Realm of Punishment. (basicly hell for the people of Nimagi) Just like the Chimera of Greek Mythology Chirmera is a Mixture of different animals that make up the tribe. Spines of a hedgehog, tail of a fox Muzzle of a rabbit that's mixed with the muzzle of a fox, but its unknown why he has the wings of a bat. The God of the Underworld is always unreasonably angry, only his father knows. He is also called the God of Judgement because his is pictured with a scale on his chest. He is the most unforgiving of the Gods.

To some he can seen as a demon rather than a god. He trained the 6th heir of Nimagi Chaven in the ways of dark magic. Chimera used this to kick start the Conquer Era of Nimagi's history which was his plan to rule the world and take his father's place as king of the gods. The Nimagi Banner conquered half of Mobius until the 10th heir Jasper Kiowa defeated his mother Yamara to end the Conquer Era

Chimera 4th god of Nimagi


Mantra Absorption-[]

Just like all Gods of Nimagi they can absorb the energy source that Zaruth has created. This can enhance their power, or heal them.

Dark Magic-[]

Creator of the art of dark magic Chimera can use it to its full power. Sapping the health of others, raising the dead, corrupting living beings into lives of sin, to name a few.

Judgement's Toll-[]

Chimera feeds off the sin of those trapped in his realm. Its not an ability built for battle but he uses it to grow his power even more in hopes of overthrowing Zaruth.

Death Touch-[]

Chimera's body is potent with poisons that are lethal to mortals. Having been banished to the Realm of Punishment only his avatars are able to move around freely and they do not possess the poisons. In Nimagi's stories those who have a strong will and pure of heart can survive.


Steep soundtrack - Ball of Satan - Igor Korneluk.
