Sonic Fan Characters Wiki
Sonic Fan Characters Wiki
Future Amy b

Leader of Class B, Dr. Amelia Rose


The Demon Slayer Organization has 3 classes in the medical ward, similar to the military division; and like the R&D department, they are mainly comprised of technique type agents. These are agents whose talents are more geared towards the field of medicine; of course, injured individuals come here to get patched up. Demons are capable causing various types of damage, so each class specializes in a particular form of healing, with more powerful and skillful medics being more capable in that field.


Demons are not only capable of causing physical harm, but psychological and even spiritual damage as well. While each ward is capable of basic first aid, each class specializes in healing one of these types of ailments.

Ward A[]

As beings who originate from an ethereal plane, demons are more than capable of interacting with an opponent's soul; and thus, can cause damage to it. Medics in this ward specialize in using their healing abilities to remedy this kind of damage. It is led by ____, a powerful exorcist.

Ward B[]

This ward is led by Amy Rose, medics here can heal various degrees of physical damage, ranging from minor cuts and bruises to missing appendages. These are some of the more active agents in the organization.

Ward C[]

Led by _______, this ward deals with more psychological trauma. The lucky ones come out of fights questioning reality, while others... can't.



The leader of Ward B, Amy is considered one of the best healers in the organization. Since she boasts one of the highest CELs in the ward, her feats would certainly stack up.




Medical Recruits[]

These are characters from other creators who have joined the fight; you can join too by visiting the Recruitment forum.


(fun facts)

